Archive for August, 2014

* Adventure of Dook-Doo, Little Squirrel

2014/08/26 | Filed under Book | Tags .

The beautiful book in Russian. I’ve got it once last year via an agency who are dealing with the books written in Russian (basically for researchers), and just a few weeks ago, could get another copy for LINNET shop.

This is the reproduction of the book released in 1970s. The artist (Viktor Pivovalov) of this beautiful works seems to be one of the famous conceptual artist in that age in Russia.

The story is also lovely and beautiful. Dook-doo is a name of the little squirrel boy, who is shy and coward, but he faced to get into massive(for him) adventure, and he’s got more confident boy at last.

Russia is always in controversy here in Japan, almost always in conflict but also it is our next country.

Being given ‘Russian Tale’ book in my childhood, which I liked so much and read many dozens of times, I have a kind of close feeling toward its original culture.

I feel some ‘crystal clear’ nature friendly mentality from Dook-Doo story, which can be produced by the people live confronting huge natural environment.


* Desk Calendar

2014/08/10 | Filed under Art, animals | Tags .

The new desk calendar with my illustration for 2015 has been released!!

Being titled ‘Animals in the Forest”, 12 wild animals are featured in every months.

Well…This type of design was completely new for me, and yes, I enjoyed the work so much.

Actually, construction design was done by Satoshi Maeda, my husband and ex-architect.

His idea was to make it simple enough to avoid the complicated process to construct it by the users. So it is designed to be just folded in its distribution, and the users only have to pull the front frame facing and just a bit to secure by enforcing the folded lines to make it stand up.

The publishing company of this calendar offered to collaborate with Satoshi, it was completely out of my idea at the beginning, but it appeared to be a nice idea, as we could discuss anytime at home for the design.

I feel most happy every time I get the final product that I have been working for.

Thanks so much for all the people’s honest efforts involved in this project!!
