Archive for September 17th, 2014

* Egg or …

2014/09/17 | Filed under Art | Tags .

It is far from easter, but I have been drawing this with delight. This is  ordered by one of my client, as a gift to an ‘IVH’ clinic for their 20th year anniversary .

IVH is fertility treatment, and my client gave me his request to feature the ‘egg’.

So I tried to draw baby bunnies sleeping in a safe underground nest, hoping it looks like in a way in a womb, and the all the wild flowers around are guarding the baby bunnies ,making a shape of egg…

Actually I have started with another piece in which the surrounding wildflowers were more real, but abandoned it, then get to this picture. it was beyond my first aim, totally out of my imagination but my hands just made it.

Drawing is so fun!
